Lift off 🚀

2 MORE quick hacks for boosting sales!

Happy Friday! There are 4 new passengers on the International Space Station this morning. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the crew departed from Florida Thursday morning. The “short” trip takes just over 24 hours.

“If you enjoyed your ride, please don’t forget to give us five stars,” remarked the mission control team.

Here’s your full rundown this Friday morning…

  • VR - Meta Announces New Plans For Virtual Reality

  • Pump Up The Jam - TikTok Unveils “Sound For Business”

  • Influencers - “Virtual” Influencers Are Gaining Traction

  • Content Marketing - 3 Tips For Leveling-Up Today

  • Entrepreneurship - Should You Write Your Own Book?

Today In History: On March 3rd, 1931, the United States adopted the Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem.

Lurn Bytes: Entrepreneurship Around The Web

TikTok Unveils “Sounds For Business” - It’s a new feature that will make licensed music cheaper for businesses advertising on the platform. Why does this matter? 68% of users report remembering a brand better when paired with a song they like. Here’s how the feature works…

Meta Announces New Plans for VR - The last time Meta unveiled its VR, it was widely considered a flop. Now they’re back with new plans and a totally new vision for how they’ll incorporate VR into the platform. This is definitely worth checking out…

“Virtual Influencers” Are Going Mainstream - It might sound crazy, but computer-generated “influencers” is a market growing incredibly fast. And they’re giving brands a completely new way to promote their products. Here are 7 fascinating predictions about this wild new market…

3 Tips for Creating BETTER Content

Blogs. Social media. Emails. Websites.

No matter where you’re posting content, there are 3 simple strategies you can use to make sure your audience remains highly engaged.

On every single channel the goal is the same. Keep your audience engaged so you can eventually convert them.

And the principles of strong content are the same, regardless of where it’s posted. Let’s go!

#3 - Free Stuff Always Works

People love getting things for FREE.

The key is to give things away that are so valuable that people say to themselves, “If this is what I’m getting for free, what kind of amazingness do I get if I pay?” Of course, all of the content is free.

Just be sure to put out free content that is better than most people’s paid content.

This will really impress the audience and keep them coming back. It will earn their loyalty and trust.

Ultimately, we all want to earn money. But trying to soak it out of people for every little thing you produce will only backfire.

Get people to trust and gain their loyalty with the free content and they will become paying customers later on.

#2 - Learn From Others

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Read and watch other people’s content to get inspiration and ideas.

Piggyback off other people’s content. For example, write a blog post about a great article.

But add some original thoughts to the post to make it unique.

And NEVER copy another person’s work! This cannot be stressed enough.

Copying someone else’s work is unethical and illegal. It also keeps you from learning and growing as a business person. Just allow the work of another person to inspire ideas and offer guidance and direction.

Then be original!

#1 - Use Copywriting

Being a good copywriter can be a huge help when creating exceptional content.

Copywriting is actually the basis of both creating great content and selling anything online.

Great content must be engaging and enticing. And this is achieved through using the principles of copywriting. But remember, this isn’t about perfection.

It’s about hooking people’s attention with a great headline. It’s about telling them a story that will allow them to relate and feel a connection.

It’s about having a flow to the content that carries them through it in a logical, yet engaging way.

Start focusing on these 3 tips and we’re sure your content marketing will level-up immediately!

Entrepreneur Stat Of The Day


That’s the percentage of digital marketers who plan to increase their content marketing budget in 2023, according to Market Insider Group.

Write Your Book & Change Your Life!

This stat totally blew our minds.

81% of people want to write a book. Only 1% of people actually do it!

That’s why Anik brought Doug Crowe onto this week’s podcast episode. He helps people from all walks of life publish their own books - even if they don’t consider themselves “writers.”

By the end of this episode, you’ll know whether you SHOULD write a book or not.

And if you decide the answer is “yes,” you’ll know EXACTLY how to get started.

We Want To Hear From You!

Drop us a line and lets us know what you think or what you'd like to see more of at [email protected].

For any other questions, please reach us at [email protected]