If you can’t beat ‘em 🔍

What are your competitors up to…?

Good morning! We just learned the Big Banks are creating their own digital wallet to take on Apple Pay.


Apple Pay is growing incredibly fast. During the 2022 holiday shopping season, online payments with Apple Pay spiked 63%. Will the Big Banks’ plan to overtake Apple work? Time will tell.

Here’s one thing we do know - these banks are studying what works for the competitors and making it their own.

That got us thinking. Are you studying what works best for YOUR competitors? Today, we’re sharing 3 competitor analysis tools so you can model after your most-successful competitors!

Here’s today’s full rundown…

  • B2B - Walmart Launches New B2B eCom Site

  • Paid Ads - Spending Climbs Another 6%

  • Stop, Thief! - Artists Fight Back Against AI

  • If You Can’t Beat ‘Em - 3 Competitor Analysis Tools We Love

  • Entrepreneurship - The Secret To Happiness?

Lurn Bytes: Entrepreneurship Around The Web

Walmart Intros New B2B eCom Site - This week, Walmart announced a new platform where companies can buy more than 100,000 items tailored for businesses from a new eCom platform. That includes a new $98/year Walmart Business+ membership. Here’s how it works…

Spending on Paid Ads Climbs Again - CPAs may be going up on many platforms, but that hasn’t slowed down advertising spending. A new report predicts ad spending will climb 6% in 2023 and top $509 billion. Here’s why that’s so important…

Artists Fight AI Repurposing - Another day another story about AI. This time, artists are fighting back against AI tools using their artwork and repurposing it for commercial use. They claim their original work is being stolen. This could have big ramifications for AI tools…

3 Competitor Analysis Tools We Love

If you want to succeed as an online entrepreneur or marketer, you need to be dialed into what your competitors are doing.

You’ll get a deep insight into what they’re doing, what’s working for them, and what isn’t working.

Today, we’re sharing 3 of our favorite tools for inexpensive and effective competitor analysis…

#3 - Sprout Social

Sprout Social will help you learn more about the social media activity of competitors. This includes a comprehensive look at their…

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

  • And many more...

It takes the information collected and presents it both in the form of a graph, as well as individual numerical breakdowns. You’ll get engagement metrics, post frequency, and everything else you need to optimize your own content.

The site also makes it easy to stay on top of your own social media engagement.

You’ll never miss an important trend or opportunity for engagement!

#2 - Xpareto

This one is designed for those in the eCommerce industry, and it’s really impressive. It can give you a comprehensive look at your competitor’s:

  • Best-selling products

  • Social media presence

Plus, Xpareto allows you to look at these 2 things in an easy and streamlined way.

The Xpareto website has a simple design that allows for quick searches of competitors. From there, links are provided for best-selling products and Facebook campaigns. Daily traffic and ratings are also provided.

Best of all, this website is completely FREE, making it a great tool for anyone looking to get an edge on the competition.

#1 - SEMRush

SEO has become extremely important for the success of every online business.

With SEMRush you can make sure you’re using the right keywords to improve the success of your advertising campaigns and overall copy. SEMRush allows users to look at what competitors are doing with their SEO efforts and do a technical SEO audit.

With this information, you’ll be able to improve your own SEO and stay in the game.

And by seeing what keywords your competitors are using, you can get all types of ideas for your content and ads!

Each of these 3 tools are extremely powerful for businesses. If you’re not already doing competitor analysis, we recommend you start right away!

Entrepreneur Stat Of The Day


That’s the number of U.S. small businesses that DON’T have a website, according to CNBC.

The Secret To Happiness?

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the “hustle culture” we see everywhere these days.

And while society is more focused on mental health than ever before, hustle culture can still take a huge toll on all of us.

That’s why Anik welcomed his close friend Chris Haddad onto The Anik Singal Show this week.

He’s one of the best copywriters in the world, and someone who isn’t shy to let people know that he’s struggled with mental illness in the past.

Anik and Chris dove deep into Chris’s struggles and how he was able to overcome some BIG challenges and become the amazing person he is today.

There are so many lessons in this conversation, including the jaw-dropping moment when Chris explained to me “The Secret to Happiness.”

We Want To Hear From You

Drop us a line and lets us know what you think or what you'd like to see more of at [email protected].

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