AI worries? 🤖

Bing’s new AI creates some concerns…

Welcome back! We’re starting off this week with a truly weird story. A NYT piece titled “A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled” went semi-viral this weekend.

After a full conversation with Bing’s new AI chatbot, the reporter concluded the tool is “not ready for human contact. Or maybe humans are not ready for it. You have to see this full story for yourself.

Here’s your full rundown for this Monday, Feb. 20…

  • Freelance - 10 Most In-Demand Tech Skills

  • TikTok Insights - 70k Data Points Added to Insights Tool

  • Power-For-All - Tesla Opens Up Chargers to Other Brands

  • Blogging - 5 Quick Tips For Better Content

  • ICYMI - Is This the Biggest Key to Success?

Lurn Bytes: Entrepreneurship Around The Web

10 Most In-Demand IT Skills For Freelancers - Looking to add more clients or start up your IT freelance business? Well, if you have any of the 10 skills outlined in this new report, you’re in luck. These are the most in-demand skills for 2023…

TikTok Adds 70k New Data Insights - If you haven’t been using TikTok’s Insights tool, now is the time to dive in. They just added 70,000 new data insights into the tool, letting you drill down even deeper into your audience. This is an awesome tool we highly recommend. Check it out here…

Tesla Opens 7,500 Chargers to All EVs - Late last week, it was announced that Tesla will make 7,500 of its branded chargers available to EVs of all makes and models. This is huge news for the industry as a whole, and could spur even more EV adoption. Here’s the full scoop…

5 Quick Tips for Better Blogging

Maybe you started a blog years ago and just haven’t had the time to keep up with it. Maybe you know you need one, but haven’t had the energy to start.

Maybe you have an active one, but just aren't getting the engagement you need.

We get it! Blogging is not always as easy as some make it look!

Have no fear, today we’re sharing 5 super quick tips you can use to start creating better blog content!

Let’s get right to it!

#5 - Answer These 3 Questions

People coming to your blog will have three common questions. Make sure to answer them in the content!

  • Why should I care? People won’t bother with information unless they see a good reason to — unless they are shown why it is important.

  • What do I need to know? People don’t want fluff. They want detailed information that tells them exactly what they need to know. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • How do I put this into action? People want to know how to put this information into action. How can they use it to make a difference in their life?

Start answering these three questions right at the beginning of the content — right in the heading and introduction.

This will hook people and pull them in because they will see the value in it.

#4 - Be Consistent

In this chaotic world, people like consistency whenever they can get it. They want to be able to depend on things to go in a predictable way. This is why any content that is published must be done so consistently.

This means a consistent niche, consistent voice, consistent method of delivery, and consistent timing. This last one is very important.

It’s important to release new content on a regular basis.

#3 - Don’t Be a Perfectionist

Perfection isn’t necessary for creating great content. The important thing is to get the content out there.

Make it available to the masses NOW!

Yes, content has to be of high quality. But it doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t need to look like Shakespeare wrote it.

#2 - Be Conversational

Content should be written in a conversational manner. 

If the content is stiff and formal, it won’t draw people in. Content written that way is hard to follow. It makes it difficult to hold people’s attention.

No one wants to read a boring essay.

Instead, deliver content in a casual way. Like talking to a friend.

#1 - Use ChatGPT!

This almost goes without saying by this point.

It seems like absolutely everyone is using AI tools like ChatGPT in 2023. Take some time to learn the best prompts to use and let the robots take over the bulk of writing.

Remember to edit your output for your voice and tone. Look, not everything it writes is going to be perfect.

Just make sure it provides value and you’re good to go! Don’t do all the hard work yourself!

Entrepreneur Stat Of The Day


That’s the percentage of Internet users who read blogs, according to Social Media Today.

ICYMI - The Art of Deep Listening + Succeeding More

Did you listen to this week’s podcast yet?

If not - it’s definitely perfect for you…

It was all about a very interesting topic: deep listening.

You see, the more you make LISTENING a habit, the more you succeed and the more the people in your network like you.

As Anik puts it, this is something he’s been focusing on quite a bit lately. So it was amazing timing when he got an invitation to interview Oscar Trimboli.

He’s on a mission to create 100 million “deep listeners.” He’s done research with more than 14,000 people and has interviewed hundreds of deep listeners.

We won’t give it all away here, because you absolutely have to hear this for yourself.

If you want to succeed more (and who doesn’t?), the secret may just lie in LISTENING more…

We Want To Hear From You

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